Whitney Miller
Program Description: The Russell County Career and Technology Center Practical Nursing program is in Lebanon, Virginia. The practical nursing program offers an eighteen-month course of study that follows the Russell County Public Schools’ instructional calendar. RCCTC’s Practical Nursing program is offered to high school seniors and adults from Russell and surrounding counties in southwest Virginia. The program is divided into two courses: Practical Nursing I and Practical Nursing II. Practical Nursing I is held the first year and Practical Nursing II is held the second year of the nursing program (after high school students graduate from high school). Practical Nursing I, offers classroom, laboratory, and clinical skills performances. Classes and laboratory skills will be taught Monday through Friday for three hours each day. Clinical experiences will be three or six hours per day for a total of forty hours during the first year of the practical nursing program. Practical Nursing II offers classroom instruction and clinical practice in local hospitals, clinics, schools, nursing homes, and physicians’ offices. Classes and clinicals will be Monday through Friday. Each classroom day will be six hours, and clinical days will be six to twelve-hour shifts. Graduates of the program receive a certificate in practical nursing and are eligible to apply to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (PN NCLEX®).
PN Program History: In August 1994, the Virginia Board of Nursing met and approved a school of practical nursing for Russell County Career & Technology Center, to be known as Russell County Career & Technology Center School of Practical Nursing. When the school opened, Kim Israel was the first faculty member hired. Kim, a well-known beloved nurse in the Russell County Community, began as the PN I Instructor and Program Director. Cathy Gent and Jeanane Young both experienced and knowledgeable in diverse areas of practice began as PN II Instructors the following year. The program was limited to 32 students for the first academic year 1994-1995. 28 students successfully completed the program and became the first graduating class in 1996. Those first years were critical in the establishment and reputation of the program. The competent and passionate instructors set high expectations for students who were meticulous, hardworking, and devoted. These student nurses put into practice astonishing leadership skills, and knowledge passed on to them from their mentors. Many of these graduates continue to practice in our local community as compassionate, highly skilled Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN). Others have continued their education and have become Registered Nurses, some with associate degrees, and other with a bachelor’s degree and some have even gone on to purse a Nurse Practitioners (NP) degree.


Melanie Holmes

Kathleen Keene
Message from Faculty at RCCTC School of Practical Nursing:
The faculty takes great pleasure in welcoming you as a new student in the RCCTC School of Practical Nursing. We trust that the eighteen months spent here will be meaningful and beneficial to you personally while in our program. We congratulate you on being selected as a student of the RCCTC School of Practical Nursing.
During the eighteen months you are here, you will be involved in a new life experience, requiring many adjustments at school, within the clinical setting, and at home.
Each student who enters the RCCTC School of Practical Nursing is expected to show regard for each classmate’s feelings, assisting each other when possible, and showing respect and responsibility to the faculty and fellow students.
Each one of you have entered this class with an earnest desire to achieve your goals of becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse and joining the nursing profession.
It is anticipated that each of you will strive to reach your highest potential of achievement. This does not mean that you are in competition with your fellow students for the highest grades, but rather as a means of evaluating your own personal achievement. Individual conferences may be held to assist you in evaluation of your progress.
It is necessary to have rules and regulations. As adults, we expect you to adhere to each rule without constant supervision and reminders. You should familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations and make the interpretation or application; you should consult your Instructor or the Director regarding any concerns in this matter.
You, as students of the Russell County Career & Technology Center School of Practical Nursing, are always expected to conduct yourselves as professionals. Remember, you are representing the RCCTC School of Practical Nursing.
The instructors will be available for any assistance you may require. Please feel free to call, email, or speak with us before or after class. Our door is always open. We wish you much success and achievement in the eighteen months ahead.
RCCTC Nursing Faculty
Application Process:
1. Prospective students may pick up applications at RCCTC or print the application from the website and mail it to RCCTC School of Practical Nursing.
2. Applications for the upcoming 2024-2025 academic calendar year will be accepted from March 3, 2025 until April 11, 2025.
3. Applications should be returned by the listed date with a $70.00 nonrefundable application fee for adult students only to cover testing fees, high school students will not be required to submit application fees; however, they will be required to take entrance testing.
4. All applicants must submit a transcript or high school and/or college records or a copy of GED scores. (Minimum overall academic GPA of 2.5 preferred). All high school students must have (C-78 or better in Biology & Algebra)
5. All applicants must submit a copy of their immunization record.
6. All applicants must submit one personal reference and current employment reference (present or past).
7. All applicants will be required to take the TEAS Test.
8. All applicants will be required to attend an interview by the selection committee.
9. All accepted students will be required to complete a physical and dental form.
10. All accepted students must complete a criminal background check and drug screen prior to entry into the program.
*For more information, please view the RCCTC Practical Nursing Handbook.*
*Tuition is $915.00 annually/$457.50 per semester. Students will also be responsible for books, ATI materials, uniforms, equipment, and malpractice insurance. See the website and/or student handbook for a detailed expense list. Financial assistance is available through People Inc., DARs, and the school payment plan.*