Mrs. Michelle "Missy" Thompson
Courses in Horticulture
Horticultural Sciences: Through laboratory activities, students apply scientific principles to the field of horticulture, including the areas of floriculture, landscape design, greenhouse operation, nursery plant production, and turf management. They practice safety, develop leadership traits, use plant-growing media, and identify, propagate, and grow horticultural plants in the greenhouse and land laboratory.
Greenhouse Plant Production & Management: Students are taught the operating procedures for a greenhouse. Units of instruction include developing plant production facilities, science application in plant production, and identification of plants. Business management, leadership development, and marketing skills are emphasized to prepare students for careers in the greenhouse plant production and management industry.
What is it? FFA is an extracurricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership. It is one of the three components of agricultural education.
FFA Mission: FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
FFA Motto: Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.
Top 10 reasons to join FFA:
Be part of the solution – There is a need to provide food to our ever-growing population. Working together to make it more efficient is being part of the solution.
Learn new skills – Whether it’s tractor driving, feed or meats identification to properly caring for plants and animals for competitions and everyday life. Supervised Agricultural Experience Programs (SAEs) allow students to learn about agriculture areas of their choosing outside of school. Many students don’t grow up on a farm and this program gives them the opportunity for hands-on learning.
Serve others – Community service projects let the students learn while helping those around them.
Develop leadership skills – FFA teaches leadership skills to our youth and creates the leaders of tomorrow.
Travel opportunities – FFA holds lots of conferences and competitions all over the US.
Meet new people and make new friends – Gaining friendships across the nation. Meeting senators, congressmen and commissioners. Creating a working network of professionals. Developing a mentor.
Personal growth – Personal growth is one of the main components of FFA. Students demonstrate their knowledge and skills at FFA Career Development Events, participating in Supervised Agricultural Experiences, and attending Conferences.
Career success – FFA classes and programs open up new opportunities and help students fine-tune their career ambitions through direct practical experience in the agriculture field.
Scholarship Opportunities – Local FFA Chapters, Alumni groups, and Booster clubs provide scholarships to FFA members. National FFA Foundation awards over $1.5 Million each year in scholarships to FFA members.
It’s fun – Ag class is a whole lot more hands-on than other courses.