Mullins Family

The Lebanon News | Shawn Street | Photo Credit: Ali Reilly

The Clinch Valley Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Directors held its annual awards banquet at the Russell County Conference Center in Lebanon in Oct. 29.

Each year Clinch Valley SWCD hosts this banquet to formally recognize local citizens and partners for the work they do to protect and preserve Russell County’s natural resources. Three awards, The Clean Water Farm Award, Farm Family Award, and Conservation Educator of the Year, are presented to Russell County citizens for their respective contributions to bettering their communities through conservation and education.

Greg Mullins and family won the Clean Water Farm Award. Their 120-acre farm in Swords Creek supports around 20 Angus cow/calf pairs. They initiated their conservation planning efforts in 1997, which is also around the same time Mullins began working for Clinch Valley Soil and Water Conservation District as a Conservation Technician.

Mullins would later become the District Manager, and spent over five years working for the District before pursuing other career opportunities. Through programs like EQIP and Virginia BMP, they have adopted sustainable farming practices like fencing, spring development, livestock watering troughs, and rotational paddocks — all of which have greatly improved the health of their land.

The Clean Water Farm Award is an annual recognition program for farms outside of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, and is sponsored by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. Anyone may nominate a farm by contacting their local SWCD and submitting an application. Local winners are determined by the staff and the Board of Directors of Clinch Valley SWCD.

Clean Water Farm Award: Greg Mullins and Family

Farm Family Award: Fred and Wanda Reedy

Educator of the Year: Nikki Roberts

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