About Us

School Mission

Excellence Through Education


"Creating Character Enhances Success"

Vision Statement

The Russell County School System will enable students to become productive, life-long learners, and active participants in a worldwide community.

To become a community of leaders that recognize, honor, and celebrate the leaders in each of us…

We will …

Love learning

Excel in all we do

Achieve goals together

Do what is right

School History & Demographics

Copper Creek Elementary School was built in 1953 and additions were added in 1958 and again in 1963. It is located on a nine-acre site in a rural area of Russell County. In the summer of 2010 a third renovation project was completed adding new windows, heating and cooling units, ceilings lowered, asbestos removable and new tile placed in each of the classrooms.

Copper Creek Elementary School houses Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First Grade with an enrollment of 119 students for the 2017-2018 school year. Copper Creek Elementary is a Title I Target Assisted School.

All teachers at Copper Creek Elementary are certified in the areas in which they are teaching. All aides and support staff are also highly qualified as well. There are 57% of all teachers at Copper Creek with advanced degrees which include a Reading Specialist, Master of Math Education, Master of Education PK-6, an administrator with MS Administration and Supervision K-12. The student-teacher ratio is 18:1. The average age of classroom teachers is 42 and the average years of teaching experience are 11 years.

Copper Creek Elementary School teachers, parents, and volunteers continue to work together for the betterment of the school. Funds raised each year have provided financial assistance to the school in needed areas such as playground equipment, audio-visual equipment, books for our library and other school improvements. The school does have an active Volunteer Program and community support to assist teachers and staff on a regular basis.

Copper Creek Elementary School teachers have participated each year in the Russell County Schools Business Partnership Program. Teachers write mini-grants to supplement the school’s general fund for supplies for teachers and students in the classrooms. Many of the teachers have written other mini-grants to provide materials for the classroom as well. Presently, Copper Creek Elementary houses eight classrooms: two Pre-K classes, three Kindergarten classes, three first grades, one Early Childhood Special Education classroom, Library, one multi-purpose classroom for Speech and PALS Remediation, Cafeteria, and two offices.